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Mullein Chai

Tasty, mild chai beverage that is also very healthy for you.


Mullein is native to much of Europe and Asia and is naturalized to North America.  Although many call mullein a plant, it is technically a weed, growing and spreading quite easily.  A short-lived perennial with a deep tap root, it can be found in neglected meadows and pasture lands, along fence rows and roadsides, in vacant lots, wood edges, and forest openings.  Mullein has been used for centuries in herbal medicine as a respiratory remedy that helps open the lungs, ease coughs and spasms, and soothe irritation and dryness.  Mullein leaves and flowers are classified in traditional herbal literature as expectorants (promotes the discharge of mucus) and demulcents (soothes irritated mucous membranes).

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