My Story
Gardener and Herbalist

My name is LuAnn Raadt.
I was raised on a farm in southern Minnesota and grew up with a love of plants and growing things. I find it a bit ironic that I now happily gather many of the “weeds” my family once tried to eradicate and use them in remedies for common physical ailments and imbalances.
Trained under professional herbalists, I especially enjoy identifying plants, learning their botanical markers, and growing a wide variety of medicinal herbs that are not readily available commercially or are considered at-risk in the wild.
I also enjoy creating herbal remedies, teas, and other beverages, with (as my husband says) “the curiosity and inventiveness of a mad scientist.”
Most importantly, I think, I am enthusiastic about introducing others to the fascinating world of folk herbalism and teaching them how to make and use herbal products for themselves.
First and foremost, I am a Jesus-follower. I avoid the use of the word “Christian” because that can be defined however one may choose. But there is no ambiguity in defining what it means to follow Jesus. I trust him in all aspects of life — here and hereafter — and I try to live my life according to his simple yet profound teaching: Love God. Love people.
I worship God as the creator of nature. Nature is his gift to us, for our health and our pleasure. Working with nature is collaborating with the Creator to foster health and wholeness.
I am a wife, mother, and grandmother. My family is my primary focus, and I am fiercely protective of them.
I am a grower. Having cultivated over 120 varieties of medicinal plants here in Northfield, Minnesota, every year I try several new plants to discover if and how they will grow in Zone 4.
I am a lifelong learner. My insatiable appetite for knowledge has led to countless hours of research and study over many years. But there is always more to learn!
I am a teacher. Introducing others to the marvels of medicinal plants and how to use them in daily life is a passion.
While I know quite a bit about medicinal plants and what they offer to us, I make no claims that anything I offer will cure any physical or emotional condition. I have no medical training and will offer no medical advice, other than "Consult your physician." That is precisely what you should do before using any herbal remedies if you are already under a doctor's care or are taking pharmaceutical medications. There can be contraindications with using herbs at the same time as prescription medications. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not add medicinal herbs into your routine without checking with your doctor. As an herbalist, I rarely encourage adding herbs into your routine if pregnant, especially in the first half. Herbal remedies that I make are not created in a professional facility but in my home kitchen (although a very nice kitchen), and do not include any nutritional labeling.