My Powdered Herb Blends
Get the nutritional benefits from the entire herb!
Adaptogen Blend

Improve your body’s reaction to emotional, environmental, or physical stress while moderating and sustaining energy, stamina, endurance and mental clarity.
To qualify as an adaptogen, an herb must be completely safe and non-toxic, it must have broad uses for health, and it must specifically reduce stress, both mental and physical. Putting it simply: Adaptogens help you adapt.
Maca Root (6 parts) is dubbed “Peruvian ginseng,” although it has no relation to ginseng. But like ginseng, the root increases strength, energy, and stamina. Maca may help relieve tension and anxiety while boosting energy and mood.
Eleuthero Root (4 parts) is one of the first recognized adaptogens, used often to enhance stamina and performance in athletic competition.
Tulsi (2 parts) is one of the most cherished of India’s sacred healing plants and one of the most commonly prescribed herbs. It has been used to sharpen the mind, ease indigestion, and improve resistance to stress. It has a normalizing influence on blood pressure and blood sugar imbalances.
Ashwagandha Root (2 parts) is regarded as one of the great rejuvenating herbs of India. A ginseng-like tonic, it is traditionally used for increasing stamina and performance and is renowned for its building and nourishing qualities. It is frequently used for people who are chronically stressed, run down, prone to frequent colds and flu. It is often beneficial for those who have degenerative diseases such as arthritis.
Turmeric Root (1 part), containing curcumin, is one of the most powerful antioxidants available and has many medicinal uses as well. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Astragalus Chai Blend

Tasty immune support!
A spicy chai latte is one of my favorite warm beverages. But the calories add up rather quickly. So, when I started combining powder blends, creating a chai blend was a given.
Astragalus Root (8 parts). Immune and heart booster. Use cautiously with immunosuppressive medications, chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
Ginger Root (4 parts). Considered a "superfood, " one of the premier herbs for digestive disturbances and for enhancing circulation. Well known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Chicory Root (4 parts). I find it to be a good non-caffeine alternative to black tea traditionally in chai. Liver support.
Cinnamon (4 parts). Stimulates the digestive tract. Active against staphylococcus and botulism.
Allspice (2 parts) and Clove (1 part) contain eugenol, an antioxidant that may reduce inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases.
Cardamom (1 part). Reduces stomach acidity and strengthens the heart and lungs. Stimulates the mind and imparts joy and clarity.
Anise Star (1 part). Source of shikimic acid, the active ingredient in Tamiflu, a prescription medication for influenza.
Orange Peel (1 part). No need say much here — high in vitamin C and tastes great!
Lemon Peel (1 part). Well-deserved reputation for Vitamin C content, it also imparts a lovely taste to the blend. I always think lemon peel (or juice) help to make a beverage taste "clean".
Black Peppercorn (1 part). Warming herb and circulatory stimulant that helps you get the most out of your food by increasing its bioavailability and helping to transport nutrients around your body.
Coconut sugar or honey can be added according to your taste preferences.
Brain Support Blend

Cognitive health
“as we age.”
Brahmi (1 part). Used in traditional Indian medicine for over 3,000 years! Research on the brahmi plant identified 2 active molecules: Bacoside A that assists in the release of nitric oxide allowing relaxation of the aorta and veins and blood to flow more smoothly through the body and aids circulation; and Bacoside B, a protein valued for nourishing nerve cells in the brain. Studies have shown that the nitric oxide in brahmi has an extremely positive effect on learning and memory recall. That's probably more details than you wanted — you can see I think it's a fascinating plant!
Ginkgo (1 part). Did you know it is one of the oldest living tree species? Did you know its leaves, when turning yellow in the fall, are reputed to be a brain booster against memory deterioration? Did you know you could simply gather the leaves yourself and make a powerful tea and dry them for use year-round? Did you know this is one of the most researched healing plants, so I could go on and on? But I won't. Do some research and be amazed. And harvest some yourself next fall!
Gotu Kola (1 part). Well known in Ayurvedic medicine as an herb and food that increases mental capacity and counteracts aging, particularly in the brain. In other words, gotu kola is a brain revitalizer. I grow this in the you-pick garden, bringing the plant indoors in the winter and munching off of it occasionally.
Calm Energy Blend

Slow release of caffeine provides constant energy throughout the
day to keep you “calmly alert”.
This is the first blend I created in order to have a tea blend that I could grab on the run in the morning. I was looking for something I could combine with my matcha tea, enhancing its flavor as well as an energy boost. This gives me hours of alert energy and an "I've got this" mentality, regardless of the demands of the day. It remains my go-to morning drink and often my early afternoon/get-me-through-the-rest-of-the-day tea blend. Each of the 4 herbs in this blend contain caffeine, but without any jitteriness or "crash" when the caffeine wears out.
Matcha (2 parts) has all the benefits of green tea in a powder. Great source of antioxidants!
Yerba Mate (2 parts) is full of antioxidants. Popular in South America, it is a good alternative for coffee. Mate is the Spanish word for gourd and refers to the small gourd cup in which the tea is traditionally served in South America.
Guarana (1 part). The active ingredient, guaranine, is chemically identical to caffeine. However, in its natural form it is bound to the fiber of the seeds, meaning its stimulating component is released slowly, maintaining a steady supply of natural energy. This is supported by a university study that concluded guarana produced the greatest alertness and improvement in the performance of mental tasks. Guarana contains 2.5 times more caffeine than coffee. But while coffee produces a peak in alertness after 30 to 45 minutes, then rapidly falls away, the effects of guarana continue and increase after 150 minutes. Guarana doesn’t just rely on guaranine to provide energy and stamina – it contains xanthines which have been shown to enhance physical and mental performance. It also contains flavonoids and alkaloids – in clinical studies alkaloids were shown to stimulate the myocardium and central nervous system, enhancing alertness and reducing fatigue.
Raw Cacao (1 part) contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. By weight, cacao beans have more antioxidants than red wine, blueberries, acai, pomegranates, and goji berries combined. Contains theobromine, an effective antibacterial substance, and kills streptococcus mutans (the primary organism that causes cavities). Theobromine and caffeine are similar in that they are related alkaloids. However, theobromine has a lesser impact on the human central nervous system than caffeine.
Digestion Support Blend

Soothes a compromised digestive system resulting from spicy or poor food choices.
Marshmallow Root (4 parts). Very soothing to the digestive lining due to its mucilaginous properties, which means it morphs into a thick, sticky substance that coats membranes. Containing healing flavonoids that are anti-inflammatory, this stickiness keeps it in place and protects the membranes from further damage. Marshmallow root has been used for centuries, even being mentioned in Homer's Iliad 2800 years ago! Good enough for Homer — good enough for me.
Ashwagandha Root (4 parts). Excess stress can play havoc with one's digestive system, so the stress-reducing properties of ashwagandha are helpful in this blend.
Slippery Elm Bark (2 parts). The "slippery" refers to the mucilage content of this root, which contributes to its healing and soothing action, from entrance to exit (physically speaking). Within this coating, it contains powerful antioxidant phytonutrients that reduce inflammation on a local and systemic level. It is also very nutritious, making it a wholesome food for the weak and convalescent, from infants to the elderly.
Fennel Seed (2 parts). One of my favorite flavors, along with licorice root which follows. Fennel is well known for relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive system to help relieve bloating, gas, and stomach cramps.
Licorice Root (1 part). Long used to help with gastrointestinal problems as it can help repair the stomach lining and restore balance. In coating the stomach lining, along with the other herbs in this blend, it helps heal and protect it from the stomach acids, thus helping with mild acid reflux. One caveat — it has been known to raise blood pressure, so avoid (or at least use with caution) if you have high blood pressure or hypertension issues.
Minerals Blend

Four mineral-packed herbs to easily boost your mineral intake.
Nettle (2 parts). According to many studies, nettle is one of the richest sources of minerals in the plant foods. Many also think it is the most nutrient-dense plant in the world, chock full of vitamins and proteins, as well as minerals, and proteins. More protein than seaweed — and tastes better! Easily absorbable amino acids. And to think it grows around the world and is quite plentiful all around our area. If it just wasn't so painful to gather!
Moringa (2 parts). High content of vitamins, trace elements, essential amino acids, and, of course, minerals. Among them, more calcium than milk, more iron than beef, even more iron than spinach — take that, Popeye! Antioxidant effect is higher than any other plant!
Raw Cacao (1 part). Raw cacao is particularly high in magnesium, as well as good amounts of calcium and iron among other minerals. Also, a great source of antioxidants. And a great substitute for chocolate (once you get over the need for the sugar).
Burdock Root (1 part). A gentle root with many benefits. A good plant-based source of antioxidants. And a great substitute for chocolate (once you get over the need for sugar).
Roots Blend

Four of my favorite roots to help a person feel more “grounded” during times of stress.
Dandelion Root(3 parts). My top favorite herb both due to taste and to its many health benefits. I try to have dandelion root every day in some form. Do an internet search for benefits of dandelion root and you'll be amazed!
Burdock Root (3 parts). Another pleasant tasting root. Great for liver support. The fresh root can be used similar to parsnips and carrots. It is great in stir fry, roasted, added to soups, etc.
Marshmallow Root (3 parts). Yes, marshmallow is a type of plant. In fact, marshmallows were originally made with marshmallow root and were actually good for you back then!
Solomon's Seal Root (1 part). Another tasty fresh root both in foods and as a beverage.
Each plant on its own is a powerhouse of nutrition — together they are an unbeatable team.
All are very mild tasting and make a great addition to all sorts of foods — smoothies, oatmeal, applesauce, nut butter, dips, soups — or add to your favorite latte or chai. It's that good!
Spiced Golden Tea Blend

Anti-inflammatory deliciousness!
Turmeric Root (4 parts) is the star of this blend! The gentle spicy turmeric taste of traditional Golden Tea combined with other tasty herbs for a delicious, easy option to get more turmeric into your daily routine. Be aware that turmeric powder stains anything it comes in contact with. Very hard to remove the stain!
Cinnamon (2 parts) stimulates the digestive tract. Active against staphylococcus and botulism.
Ginger Root (2 parts). Along with turmeric, it is considered a "superfood, " one of the premier herbs for digestive disturbances and for enhancing circulation. Well known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Anise Star (1 part). Source of shikimic acid, the active ingredient in Tamiflu, a prescription medication for influenza.
Fennel Seed (1 part). Well known for relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive system to help relieve bloating, gas, and stomach cramps. And tastes great!
Black Peppercorn (1 part). Warming herb and circulatory stimulant that helps you get the most out of your food by increasing its bioavailability and helping to transport nutrients around your body. Often added along with turmeric in cooking for increasing its bioavailability.
Cardamom (1 part). Reduces stomach acidity and strengthens the heart and lungs. Stimulates the mind and imparts joy and clarity.
Add fat, such as a small bit of coconut oil, to further increase bioavailability while also giving additional flavor.
This blend is tasty enough on its own mixed with warm water, but adding honey enhances it even more.
Also, tasty added to milk of your choice. I use coconut milk which is delicious with it.
Vitamin C Boost Blend

Antioxidant packed!
Vitamin C is well known for its role in supporting a healthy immune system. Unfortunately, our bodies cannot make vitamin C. Experts agree that the best way to get Vitamin C is through the foods we eat. However, because it is a water-soluble vitamin, there is concern about its loss when cooking fruits and vegetables. No worries with this powder blend as you are consuming the entire herb and the water. If the heat is a concern to you, simply add to cool or warm liquid or foods. This blend is an easy way to boost your Vitamin C with a variety of dried fruits (and one flower) — all packed with Vitamin C as well as other vital nutrients.
Hibiscus Flower (4 parts). Imparts a lovely deep pink color along with a lovely taste. And, of course, high in antioxidants and Vitamin C.
Rosehips (4 parts). One of nature's highest sources of vitamin C. Also rich in pectin, a prebiotic that helps to populate the gut with healthy bacteria, aid digestion, and enhance absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients.
Amla Fruit (4 parts). Also known as Indian Gooseberry, much used in the Ayurvedic tradition, and often promoted (on social media) to be the most antioxidant rich fruit on the planet! That may be a bit of a stretch, but regardless, very high in vitamin C, so I included it.
Hawthorn Berries (4 parts). Well known as a superb heart and circulatory tonic, also packed with antioxidants and Vitamin C. I included it in the blend as a bit of extra support for the circulatory system, figuring it might help with delivering the rich antioxidants of the blend throughout the body.
Orange Peel (2 parts). No need say much here — high in vitamin C and tastes great!
Lemon Peel (1 part). Well-deserved reputation for Vitamin C content, it also imparts a lovely taste to the blend. I always think lemon peel (or juice) help to make a beverage taste "clean".
I use this blend in some way almost every day, believing that nutrients in the foods we eat are easiest for our body to assimilate as compared to supplements. Also, Vitamin C, as well as the many other antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, are not stored in our body and need to be replaced regularly.
This blend has a pleasant, fruity sour taste. If it is too sour for your preference, just add some honey or other sweetener, or mix it in with some dates.