“Are there any herbs that might help with my brain health and memory?” has become a common question asked of me in recent years. Having family members or friends dealing with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease as part of their aging process intensifies one’s search for help, especially as we age ourselves! I agree with experts who stress that diet and lifestyle choices are the most important factors in that regard. However, there are many herbs to be considered, too
After several requests to come up with some sort of herbal tonic to support an aging brain, I came up with this blend that I am trying out. There are many books - and even more opinions online - about herbs that support or enhance our cognitive ability. The list is long!
To narrow down my choices, I set a few parameters. Each herb must:
· Have a well-documented history of overall safety.
· Supported by several healing traditions around the world.
· Able to grow and/or harvest myself to ensure quality.
Ginkgo leaf
The ginkgo tree is considered to be a “living fossil,” native to the areas of Japan and China, but now growing around the world, often as a landscaping tree, including here in Minnesota. I gather leaves in the fall as they’re changing color to make a tincture, as well as drying some for tea.
· Considered to have an affinity for the head, brain, and the circulatory system.
· Recent studies show it boosts microcirculation to the brain.
· Improves how your brain uses glucose, oxygen, and ATP for energy.
· Has an affinity for the elderly and onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
· Some research shows it delays or improves the early stages of senile dementia.
Gotu kola leaf
Gotu kola has been revered in India as a memory and brain tonic for at least 2500 years. It is consumed as a leafy green food, by all ages, in India and other countries where it grows wild. I grow gotu kola in a wide, shallow pot in my yard, bringing it indoors for the winter months. I harvest the leaves throughout the growing season to replenish my tincture supply. I often munch on a few leaves while working in the yard, too.
· Sanskrit texts claim its juice will improve memory and intellect in just one week. They go on to claim that long-term use may provide a photographic memory and longer life span. Cool!
· Improve mood, cognition, and memory.
· Soothe mental fatigue and decrease anxiety in the elderly.
· Improve circulation and blood vessel integrity.
· Stimulate the growth of new neurons.
· Protect the brain against toxins.
Rosemary stems and leaves
Yes, this is the same rosemary you can grow in a pot or in your garden all summer that tastes so good sprinkled on roasted red potatoes! Rosemary has been regarded by many cultures for centuries as a symbol of remembrance and has more recently come to be known as a superb tonic for one’s memory itself! I grow rosemary in my garden, harvesting the leaves and stems to make a tincture as well as drying generous amounts to use in cooking throughout the year. As Hippocrates encouraged, “Let food be thy medicine.”
· Increase mental function and acuity by increasing blood flow to and stimulating the brain.
· Even the scent of rosemary has been found to increase recall for names and facts during tests.
· Improves the ability of acetylcholine (an important neurotransmitter that often declines as we age) to do its job.
Lemon balm leaves
A lovely member of the mint family that grows easily (sometime invasively) as a perennial plant here in Minnesota. Lately, I’ve been hearing much about lemon balm being useful in all sorts of herbal blends, including several for brain support, so I decided to include it in this blend, too. I make a tincture of the leaves when it is actively growing in early summer, before it wilts with intense midsummer heat. Studies have shown that lemon balm is best tinctured fresh, not dried. I agree.
· Helps to retain information and focus.
· Supportive when you need to sit for long periods of time taking in information.
· Also improves the ability of acetylcholine (an important neurotransmitter that often declines as we age) to do its job.
· In one study, lemon balm improved cognitive performance and lengthened attention span - within an hour in that study! They also found that the higher the dose, the better the response.
Peppermint stems and leaves
Once again, this is the common peppermint that you may already grow. I strongly encourage growing peppermint in a pot as it is very invasive, wintering over even here in Minnesota, and spreading quite a distance from where it was growing the previous summer! I gather the aerial parts anytime during the summer for making a tincture or to dry for tea.
· Considered an “synergist,” meaning it works with the other herbs in the blend to produce a greater effect than the sum of its individual parts. I view a synergistic herb as a “playground supervisor” helping all the herbs play better together.
· Bring focus into the brain as you learn and take in new information.
· Help to keep your brain young while improving memory and cognition.
I used tinctures that I've made for this blend, combining 1 part each of ginkgo, gotu kola, rosemary, and lemon balm along with ½ part peppermint. You could also use dried herbs of each of these to brew tea if you prefer.
There were many other herbs I could have chosen, too! Do a quick online search and be amazed! Or overwhelmed. Some of these included tulsi/holy basil, bacopa/brahmi, hawthorn, turmeric, ashwagandha, lion’s mane (mushroom), and so many more. I could see adding some of these in or swapping them for an herb in the current blend, depending on one's individual needs. But overall, I think this blend could be a pretty powerful tonic.
A general tip about mint-family herbs:
In her book, Body Into Balance, (p.172), Maria Noël Groves writes:
Several common mint-family garden herbs help keep your brain young and improve memory and cognition. They notably inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) – enemy number one in aging and Alzheimer’s – and they also have circulation-enhancing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, mood-boosting properties. Work them into your daily routine as tea, tincture, or food. Maria includes lemon balm, sage, rosemary, spearmint, and peppermint as examples of just a few of these mint-family herbs, including interesting details about each one. I think adding some herbs from the mint family daily, whether it be as a tincture, tea, or food, could prove quite beneficial.
In 2023, Maria Noël Groves wrote a post as a guest writer Mountain Rose Herbs, Clearing the Cognitive Cobwebs: Tips for Improved Focus and Memory. Click here to read that post for more of her ideas.
One last bit of information I remember hearing years ago from a local doctor, speaking on women's health. She emphasized that going into another room to get something and not being able to remember what you were going to get is not an issue. It becomes an issue when you go into another room and don't know where you are. Good tip.